Designing a hang tag for a retail product can be quick & simple. Although, when the product is a high end item, is significantly large in size and will not be requiring a box or wrap of any sort; it is important that the hang tag also be considered to be high quality. The development or strengthening of any brand is done with creativity and originality. The shape and design must be to a degree that people remember the look, the feel, the product name, the company logo and what it is that makes this individual product significant while nested amongst it’s competitors.

hang tag design
Picking the right font is sometimes the most significant part of any design project. It is used for the headline and is the first thing that the eye gravitates to, but this fact is just the beginning. Using photography and support graphics supplied by the client is necessary to accomplish their individual marketing goals, keep brand consistency and make the client happy.

Developing a custom dye cut hang tag requires perfection. Making a custom shape for a design that pops off of a product, reads well from a distance and is properly suited for the product’s environment requires experience and talent. The hang tag can make or break the success of a product sale. It is sometime the only bit of information provided about the product. And, some people keep them, for keep sakes if they are unique enough.

What was included:
• Research (.25 hours)
• 3 Concept sketches (3 hours)
• 1 Low resolution color design (1.00 hour)
• Custom Dye Line (.75 hours)
• Text Treatment Presentation (.50 hours)
• InDesign Page Layout (1.25 hours)
• Photoshop Editing (1.00 hour)
• Text Layout & Design (.75 hours)
• 5 Design & Text Revisions (2.00 hours)