When a business or individual is buying artwork vs licensing art for a project, they are investing in originality over cost. Licensing from places like www.gettyimages.com makes art affordable for public use while at the same time restricting that usage for a nominal fee. The Chromatic Path creates both licensed artwork and originals for trademark.
Artwork: Fox Law Card
Now, these days most people do not care about the legalities. Simple fact, the general public uses music, video, photography and art for free as they will do for eternity. Yet, there are those who require trademark. There are those individuals that have a need to protect their original idea or product, businesses that require legal domain over their logo and artwork for trademark. Here at the Chromatic Path, we create licensed artwork for public use, as well as generating originals for cost. The artwork above was inspired by this article and is available for license at www.gettyimages.com
Licensing an image or illustration limits the exposure of the art which benefits the creator and the public. To learn more about how Chromatic Path can assist, click here . . . or to license this artwork shown above simply follow the link below: