Simply stated, the fact of having The Chromatic Path on Getty Images is such a privilege. And, for the artwork that never did find a home over the years, it is an absolutely perfect internet shelf for my art to reside, plus licensed art is protected art.


The Chromatic Path on Getty Images lion caddy illustration.

Artwork: The Lion Caddy


Licensing artwork for The Chromatic Path on Getty Images was not complicated. Reading a few hundred pages of data, creating the art, preparing the export multiple times to meet the vector delivery requirements. It was a trial and error process.

Ultimately, for any client to then very quickly paying a licensing fee for usage to be just a few clicks away from using the art is a priceless concept. For many years, designers selected from the many unique styles available on GettyImages. To come full circle meant that it just seems fitting that all of us designers have a few items aboard the Getty Images website. Exciting! New. Posting on other sites is also a possibility now that the Chromatic Path on Getty Images project is now complete.

Licensing an image or illustration limits the exposure of the art which benefits the creator and the public. To learn more about how Chromatic Path can assist, click here . . . or to license this artwork shown above simply follow the link below: